Life in Color: Yellow A time-lapse photo captures the wispy steam and yellow glow of the Georgia-Pacific paper mill in Brunswick, Georgia, at night. 生活在色彩之内:黄色。一幅在时间失误的照片捕捉到飘渺的水蒸气和黄色光芒的乔治亚――太平洋造纸厂于Brunswick(德国中部),乔治亚,在夜晚。
The problem of color removal from the pulp-paper mill wastewater, a main kind of industrial effluents, was a matter of great concern and a subject of research during the last few decades. 主要工业废水之一的纸浆工业废水中的木质素类有色物质的去除一直倍受关注。
The color learn of the textile mill construction reformation 纺织厂建设改造中的色彩工学
Ways of Color Removal from Pulp-paper Mill Wastewater 制浆造纸工业废水的脱色方法